Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Flourless Chocolate Cake

This is a cake that is not supposed to have a lot of rise to it. If you want the cake to be more moist and light bake in a water bath. If you want it do be a little more dense then it can be baked without a water bath, as we did in class.

Formula: yields one 10" cake
4 oz. Butter
8 oz. Chocolate nibs
3 oz. Sugar (this portion goes with the egg whites)
3 oz. Sugar (this portion goes with egg yolks)
1 oz. Cocoa
7 Eggs, separated
Can add salt or vanilla if you want to enhance the flavour, use vanilla if the chocolate that your using is a low quality.

Tools: saucepan, 10" genoise pan, parchment paper, pan spray, heat sensative spatula

Heat chocolate and butter over double broiler (also called, ban marie) until melted.
While the chocolate is melting prep your cake pan. Place a parchment circle on the bottom of the pan, spray sides and bottom of the pan generously.

While chocolate is melting start mixing sugar and egg whites in mixer on high speed until it reaches a medium peak.

When the chocolate and butter is melted, do not over heat this mixture, add the egg yolks and sugar and cocoa powder. If the chocolate is too hot then you will cook the eggs.

Combine both mixtures, fold in with hands until batters are incorporated. Scrape down sides and pour into your cake mold.

Bake immediately. Bake at 350°F convection, for 20-30 minutes. The cake will soufflé up and then fall down and start to crack when its ready. Feel the cake for doneness, it will feel firm to the touch but not hard.

Cool upside down as soon as you take it out of the oven.

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